The photosite has been updated with this weeks projects. The thimbleberries club block is done as well as the blocks for the block lotto.... the saturday sampler and the challenge block are also done. I finished my purse so now I have a purse and wallet that matches.......I'll make some accessories for it maybe this coming week.....
The ufo stack is dwindling..... I have the signature quilt wall hanging top done now.... gotta back and batt and quilt it now and do the binding.... I might even make the May 1st deadline!!
I have two baby wash cloths done.... a bottle and a butterfly.... forgot to take pictures of those... I'll get them next time. I have a dishcloth on the needles... it's a sewing machie! How cool is that! It's just over half way..... so that should be done for next time also.
I got table favors done for an upcoming bridal shower....I did some embroidered shirts for a girl at work.....and got the sashings cut for the baby star quilt......I hope to have that done by May 1st also.... the baby that the quilt will belong to is due May 8th... no one knows if it will be a boy or a girl....and they won't even divulge what potential names they've chosen....
There is one orange batik wallhanging thing in the UFO box still..... I hate working with batiks...they feel funny.... I have no idea what possessed me to get this particular kit... but I I'll have to do it up!
I have a bird cage cover left to do for a customer and a set of monogrammed towels...and those darn ties are still hanging around! I guess I'll put a push on this week to see just how much I can finish.....
I guess that's it for now.... don't forget to visit the photosite and also drop by Okie Dokie Duckies place and Winged Horses Places to see what's new with them!
the photo site address is
Til next week..........