June is here and so is the stupid Indiana weather. It's been raining and storming for weeks now and the southern part of our state has had severe damage and flooding. One county has been proclaimed a disaster area due to the flooding and tornado damage. We've had rain but not the tornadoes here in the central part of the state.
I've updated the photosite with some new projects. I use the Lazy Girl Pursnickities pattern to make Grab and Go's as I call them. They make great diaper bags for quick trips and are great for shaving kits, travel bags etc.
I used insulbright in my latest one...between two pieces of fun fabric with ants on it...quilted it and then added a piece of clear heavy gauge vinyl before putting in the zipper... I now have an really fun lunch bag!! There will be more of these made before xmas.
I also did two more of the mini paperpiecing quilt hangings. One is done in 30's repro fabrics and the other in civil war repro fabrics... these are just so much fun to do!
I have a few other projects started and in various stages of completion.... I hope to get them all finished up and posted this week. Then it's time to clean up the sewing room, find all my tools, patterns, chalk markers etc and get ready to start Christmas goodies!
While digging for the insulbrite, I found a bag of homespuns I forgot I had. I was using them to make chenille scarves but I think I'll cut some of it to make kitchen towels...maybe add a bit of embroidery to it...... There is also a mini paper piecing pattern in the book I'm using that uses some homespuns ....... hmmmmmmmmmm that might be next on the list.
If you are playing the 25 weeks of christmas... this months goals are simple....
Get your box! Do your List! Clean up your sewing space...find your tools....clean your machine and then relax for the rest of the month. We'll be starting July 1st!!
Well the sun is shining today so I think I'll wander outside and see if it's nice enuf out there to move the sewing machine out to the deck and sew.
Til next time
Keep on sewing