lol thought that would be a fun title. I updated the flickr site with photos of this past weeks goodies. The totes are for the christmas box, one for my mom and not sure who will get the other one. The towels are for a friend at work... part of her grandaughters graduation gift for her new apartment in Texas. The golf towel is for my most favorite brother in law ... hadda do it if I want to stay at the top of his favorite sister in law list!
I have a few projects in the works... I wonder at what point does a WIP become a UFO? I'm working on the Stars Across America blocks by Eleanor Burns... I have a few made... but need to work on the rest.. this is my inbetweenstuff project. I'm making a Star Log Cabin wall hanging... also by Eleanor.. it will be a trial to see if a Full Size quilt is in my future.... I"m also working on the June quilters dozen block...lots of paper pieced blocks this month....and I got the new Victory Quilts book, once again by Eleanor.... have I ever mentioned she's my idol?? My very first quilt ever many many years ago was Eleanors Block Sampler.... I still have that quilt... it's a bit raggy now... but used and loved quite muchly!
I've been knocking down my binding pile also... I have about 4 more candle mats to do and one mitten wall hanging to do........ I also need to do an Ipod case and work on this months embroidery club project. I think it's a luggage tag and a key case...... I want to try it out of some Mock Crock.... pictures on that probably next week.
I guess that's it for this week.......... we'll see what next week brings
Happy Sewing