Last Sunday my computer crashed....... apparently just because it felt like it...... I spent several days getting it up and running and getting the bare bones programs on it... It was quite frustrating....and I've decided that I'm only going to put on what I actually use! Fortunatley I had just done a back up on July 15th so there was very little lost and I've been able to redownload most of that..... I lost a lot of emails and that upsets me... but it is what it is!
On to fun stuff... this week I did a bunch of scrappy projects. In fact, everything I did this week came from the scrap bag! I finished the surf blocks for the Beach Cottage Quilt so all of those blocks are done now... just a matter of putting it together. I realize now that I probably should have put the rows together as I went along.... there is sky strips between the house and cabanas but I used up all the sky the strips between the houses will be a different color blue sky.... no worries... it's a scrappy quilt...and it's for it'll be fine!
I did a few more grass blocks for the Crazy bird quilt... I need one more bird block, 3 more egg blocks and 14 more grass blocks....... hmmmmmmm that's a lot of grass! I might have to recount on that........
I also started a wonky star quilt..... I'll need 36 wonky stars for a lap size quilt... I have 4 completed... I really enjoy these and they'll make a nice lap quilt... once again... for ME!!!
I'm finally starting to see a dent in the scrap bag! I also made 5 lazy girl pouches and 5 mini electronics cases from the scrap bag! Both of these projects use small pieces and the way they are made allows for using different fabrics inside and out.... Pictures of all are below
Hopefully this week will be better ... have a great week