I'll bet you didn't even notice it was gone..... but I did....... my mojo... my motivation...my creativity....it just up and left me about two weeks ago.... I'm thinking the new meds from the doc might be the culprit but it doesn't matter now... cuz it's back!!!
This past week has been a great week! A purse.....4 table runners... one of which is quilted and has the binding on it....finished up two dishcloths...started two more... put about 10 more rows on the scarf in progress... barn block 17... 3o's block... victory block... all completed... plus I put a few kits together for this coming week.. whew!!! It feels fantastic!!
The purse is all black and it just won't take a good picture so that's not on the flickr site... but the dishcloths and table runners and blocks are... or will be as soon as I finish up here..... I also found some time to read! Did I mention this was an incredible week?? I missed my mojo soooooooo very much!
The Scrap/stash buster totals for this month are as follows:
1 yard of scraps....15.9 yards of fabric and fat quarters...2 charm packs...1/2 yard of vinyl...2 yards of batting...8 zippers... 1/2 yard of fusible fleece..1 yard fusible interfacing....
This week I hope to take stock of my goals for this year and see where I am... I know for sure that I'm behind on dishcloths... but one scrap bag is now totally empty!! Large pieces have been used up and smaller ones have been sorted by color into containers.... so that's 1/2 the scrapbuster goal completed and most of the scrap organization completed.... I have another bag now that I will start scrapping from.... I have scrap blocks completed for two scrap quilts... they need to be put together into a top...and then another one needs to be started.... hmmmmm guess I'm more on track than I thought I was.... I need to take a good look at the ufo's however.... they scare me! lol
I'll post the usual barn block below... as well as the 30's block for this month... the rest can be found on the flickr site....
have a wonderfully fantastic week!!
The victory block is by Eleanor Burns in honor of my niece who is on her second *visit* to bahrain