Ok... I'm not sure how it happened.....but it's MAY!! Well, almost anyway. I'm not exactly sure what happened to March and April.......but I am sure that I reallllly need to keep up with the blog a little better. I probably won't remember to post weekly, but at least twice a month for sure!
There's lots of new projects on the photo site... and OkiedokieDuckie has lots of fun new stuff too! If you watch dancing with the stars... you can watch videos of Giles dancing... she's really hot for him! lol
Woodpecker Update... Both the male and female Pileated Woodies have been at the feeder recently... the male still won't let me take a picture and I swear he knows when I take the camera out of my pocket....... I saw the female at a hole in one of our trees so maybe there are little peckers in there.... I'll be watching that tree intently!!
This week I've been working on some table toppers for the summer... one is fruits and veggies.......and the other is batiks....... now normally I cringe when I say batiks...cuz I hate the feel of batik fabric... but I'm trying to broaden my horizens and use up stuff in my stash.... I had a batik jellyroll I got last year at WoodenBridge in Pennsylvania and I decided to finally do something with it.... I probably could have been a little more picky with the block layout... but it's for me and it'll be fine!
The Weekers are getting ready to flip into high gear. Another month and we'll be getting ready for our program kickoff....... it'll be fun for sure! Christmas will be here before we know it!!
I guess that's it for now........I'll be posting more photos this weekend and I'll even attempt to post some here.......
Have a wonderful week