The weather has been warmish....and is now heading to HOT!! Yesterday was very humid and even the cat who loves her deck didn't want to go out... she sniffed the air... looked at me like it was my fault and went back to her nap pad to sleep.
I picked a zuchinni and 2 more cukes from the garden too!!
I was asked to do an Angel sewing machine cover for the Sewn Spaces Swap. Apparently someone flaked on their obligation... grrrrrrrr...... but the cover is done and it has a little matching pincushion. It'll go out in the mail this week. Also going out in the mail are the August potholders for my sister and nieces potholder of the month.... they are actually early!! I'm going back east next week for a short vacay.... but decided I'd mail them anyway.
I'm posting a pick of my one shape Rainbow swap mini.... I just love this!!! It's on it's way to my partner and I hope she likes it too!
I also completed the Color My Name challenge.... we picked paint chips to match our initials... then matched fabrics to those paint chips and made a project. I did a needlebook/ hexie/yoyo case. It will hold my stuff for hexies and yoyo's when I travel...
It's amazing how much I can get done when I stay away from Angry Birds! lol
A few pics below and more on flickr....
Have a great week