Ok.. yes... I know... 3 sundays have come and gone........... well...I told ya spring was finally here.... lol got the veggie garden planted..... put the racecar dress on the goose...and puttered around outside.... I have a couple photos over on the photosite http://LSeem.photosite.com. Made a pretty neat tote bag for Thimblesberries Club show and tell... it's made from Thimbleberries fabric also....and I think I may teach a class on it later this summer.... I've had several requests for the pattern and such.... and since its my pattern... I guess I can teach the class!
I also did a few going away presents... a mug apron and a basket.... I've been working on cleaning up the sewing room too......... sold some stuff on ebay.... plan to have a garage sale the first weekend in June .... and probably sell more stuff on ebay....
I have a new great nephew now also..... so there will be lots of baby stuff being made.... I have a goodie box started for him........ and I should send something to my other great nephew also... just so he doesn't feel left out........... I have an Andrew....and a John......
Also there's a Lazy Girl contest going on... so I need to make a few Lazy Girl projects and get the photos posted.......
I also want to make a shower curtain, 2 wall hangings and 2 star trivets for my bathroom..... I'll keep ya posted on that too..........
Ok... that's it for today..... I'll check in again next Sunday..... promise..........