Its been a busy few months.... I have a total of 22 UFO's completed. The binding bucket is empty.... my list for Christmas is ready and my knitting is still where it was in march... lol.
I've been working on a Crocheted Owl Blankie for a friends great grandchild back home in PA.... I have all of the pieces crochetd now ( about 18million pieces I think) and now its ready to be put together. I'll be sure to post pics of this when it's complete... it was fun... a bit challenging...and something i've not done before...
Inbetween I've been working on some fun swaps with my Flickr friends, roadtripping with the hubster and working. Work is getting busy again as school starts in a month from today.... It amazes me how some kids know so much and are so worldly and others don't even know how to write a check.........
I took my first trip to the National Quilt Museum in Kentucky a few weeks ago.... I came out of there feeling quite inadequate as a quilter... geeeze.... I can't even imagine how they come up with some of these ideas! wow! I'm not an art there's that... and I felt right at home in the mini quilt section. Some of the art stuff was political to say the least... and one that I remember the most was a simple pedestal... with a large glass laying on its side with assorted greens and browns fabric coming out of it... simply titled Flint Michigan.......... geeze.............
I also went to Hancocks of Paducah....huge place.... massive inventory....very friendly people.... and made a trip to the Quilt in a day eleanor wasn't there lol.... My very first quilt was a QIAD Block Sampler.... I still have it... its a bit worn now... as this was done over 30 years ago I would guess... I have most of her books and have made dozens of her projects.
We also made a stop in Effingham Illinois... I visited a shop called the Wooden Spool which was really a fun place! Lots of fresh variety and friendly staff.......... I also went to an Amish shop in Arthur IL... things were fine until I asked about Halloween fabric.... geeze.... don't ever ask an amish person about Halloween.... well now I know!!!
Off to Ohio in a bit to check plots with the hubster and probably visit a shop or two on the way (BSG)
I hope to have pictures of the blankie and some other projects the next time we meet!
Happy Sewing and if you are keeping track.... you only have about 24 weeks til Christmas!!