I think there is a mistake in my calendar and not all of the days are in each month! How can we be in the 5th month of the New Year?? I was just New Years eve last week!! I'm sure of it!
Perhaps time really does fly when you are having fun.........lol
I've been working on bitty blocks....and the sewing machine cover swap.........and the mug rug swap.......... back to doing hand work.......like EPP hexies for my mug rug swap......and itty bitty yoyo's for my May Bitty Baskets...... I also have a pair of pillowcases ready for some hand embroidery........ crossstitch... kittens....
The binding pile is once again empty........
I've been working on my Kona Solids Quilt Along..... started a second Colts SuperBowl 2012 Scarf... let's hope things get settled and we aren't superbowling in May......
Lots of new pics have been posted to the flickr site and there are somethings I've been working on that I can't post pics yet...... next week.......maybe......
The weather is getting a bit better... still raining but not as long, as hard or as much...... I've been trying to get outside on the days when the sun does shine thru and get what I can done....... still haven't been able to get the garden plot tilled up... but it's on the list........
in the evenings I've been knitting and planning new projects..... sooooooooooo many things I want to do and when I surf the net I find soooooooooooo many more!! I pulled out 4 small ufo's to work on this week.... they are all wall hanging size so they might go quick once I get moving on them..........
I'm working on dishcloths and I'm still on track.... I completed two for April.... but need to get two started for May... if this month goes as fast as the other months did it'll be over before it gets started! lol
I did make myself a new Lazy Girl Margo Purse......... and a new Lazy Girl Lily Purse........ so those were my ME projects.........I have a small crib size quilt done and need to get it backed and batted....... won't take long to quilt that one... just a matter of finding the time.......
The hubby is gone right now... he's off delivering plot seed and hopefully starting to get some of his trial plots planted..... so we now begin what is known as.... "I'm leaving now and I'll see you when I see you" time of the year...... we do this again at harvest too! lol
Ok.... I guess for now that's it.... hopefully I can gather some pictures together and get a few posted for you to see.... or you can head on over to www.flickr.com/sewwunderful and see the wondrous goodies there
Have a great week......and with any luck I'll see you again before the end of the month!