I went to a sewing retreat this weekend.... it was so much fun! The creativity was endless and I got a few projects completed........ the photos are posted on the flickr site.
The weather has been cool and more fall like....... but that hasn't stopped the Asian ladybugs from divebombing my deck door..... the bright sunshine really attracts them and they just love working their way into the house (sigh)
I have just 3 mini quilt panels left to do and then I can complete them.... I waited to do the final sewing and quilting as I haven't decided how to match them up yet.... do I put them in calendar order? or just grab and sew? It really doesn't matter i guess since you only display one at a time!... I threw in a party mini so now I'll need to make one more.... maybe a tree for xmas........that will give 14 choices and I think all the holidays and seasons are covered! wooohooo!!!
Christmas will be here before you know it!!! Most of mine need to be done before thanksgiving so I can take them back east with me......... but not too worry! I'm in pretty good shape and should be done in plenty of time!
Not much else this week......... go check out the pics....