My main goals for this year are to be productive.... be organized ( in my own way) healthy!
I hope to work on my UFO's and complete each new project so it doesn't become a UFO
I hope to use up my scrap stash in stash buster blocks and turn them into useful quilts and table mats and table runners
I hope to knit another 24 dishclothes .... they go over great as christmas gifties
and I hope to find the floor, counter tops and table tops in my sewing pit! lol
ok... so that's what I hope to accomplish ( among other things) in 2011
as soon as I make a list of my UFO's I'll get them on here and then I can cross them off as I go.......
The day after christmas my female pileated woodie showed up on my feeder.... the male was flitting in the big trees in the yard... she sat still long enough for me to take her picture....... she's soooooooooo beautiful!!! I wish the male wasn't so shy... I'd love to have his picture too!
Once again the 25weeks of christmas project has been started... I have 150 wonderful Weekers who join me in the fun and frolic and fudge covered mounties throughout the year.... the scrap buster blocks are one of our projects this year... as is the UFO contest...and of course our monthly goals to make christmas 2011 a stressfree season!!
There are some new pics out on the flickr site...and hopefully more goodies later this week....... I've been off quite a bit over the holiday and hubby and I spent a lot of time together... which meant the sewing pit and projects took a back seat... tomorrow it's back to work and hopefully back to a more normal ( whatever that is) schedule
Have a warm New Years