I didn't accomplish as much as I had hoped to this month... but I still got a lot done..
I managed to complete one of the UFO's...the pink baby quilt..... it's all bound and stored in the box now awaiting the next baby girl to come along. The blue boy quilt is now in the process of having it's binding stitched down...... so hopefully that will be a finish for March
No progress on the dishcloth goal...the sock goal or the scarf... just couldn't seem to find the time to do any knitting this week.....
I did get some kits made up......which is good........ I cut a quilt called Up the Lazy River... it's all cut and bagged and ready to sew... .I also cut 12 wonder wallets and have them bagged and ready for pressing top stitching and sewing......
I made a few table runners this month also....... those pics are on the flickr site and I've completed my 30's repro BOM...and my block 8 of the Barn Quilts of Wisconsin...
My stash/scrap totals for this month are.........17 3/4 yards of stash and 5 3/4 yards of scraps... 1 1/2 yards of batting... a few buttons and some ribbon........ I think this was a productive month!!!
I'll post the BOM's below and the other photos are all on flicker.....
I also want to mention that Jen of Cre8tivequilter has started a flickr group for the Wisconsin Barn Quilt Blocks... right now it's just hers and mine but hopefully the others will join in too! http://www.flickr.com/groups/barnquilting/
I think March is coming in like a lamb....
til next week