I made my 10th 30's BOM block...and i spent today cutting the sashing and border bricks. I put the 9 blocks that are done together and added the top border. I'll sash the 10th block and have it ready for the november block.... the last row will go fast come december and I'll have the border bricks all ready to be added. I'll be tying this quilt to keep the 30's feel....... it'll be a nice throw size quilt about 52 x 70
I'm also working on my sisters xmas pressent.... I can talk about it here cuz she never comes here to see what's going on... lol I have a mini quilt stand...and I'm doing small panels... with a block for each month. They are reversible so there are 6 panels. The blocks are at opposite ends so when I quilt one block, I'm also doing the plain panel from the block on the reverse side. I have the 4 panels that I've done so far up on flickr... I'll get them batted and quilted hopefully this week.... only 8 more blocks to go! lol
I've also gathered up my bee blocks that somehow never got made into anything.... I have 3 sets ready to be made into quilt tops...and 2 sets of scrap blocks ready to be put together. 2011 will be the year of the UFO ... all these gorgeous flimsies I have will become real quilts!!! I'm also going to make a full hearted attempt to finish each quilt I start and not let the ufo's pile up! we'll see how that goes.. lol
I also made two more puzzel balls... one pink and one yellow...these will go in the gift box until they are needed.
All of the little ones gifts are done for xmas............whoooohoooo!!! I even have their bags done......... I'm track quite nicely and with any luck nothing will derail my train! I'm hoping for a productive week this week also.......
I have 3 barn blocks of the week to do and the last Golden Thimble barn.... I think they will be this weeks goal..
Guess that's it for now........ fall has come to Indiana to stay I think.... it's been cold at nite and chilly during the day... with bright sun.......perfect fall weather....... in fact.... it's so fall like.. I made a big pot of veggie soup and homemade bread yesterday!
a couple pics below... the rest are on flickr