Now there's the sock sacks... the pattern was a free on this summer by Terry Atkinson of Atkinson Quilt Designs... she made it for her knitting friends to hold their sock yarn and needles... it has a cute zipper pocket on the front... well let me tell you... these babies are extremely addicting. I made a couple from my scrap bag this summer.... and then a few more and then a few more and now I've resized it so there's a set of four!!! If you make this... be aware..... there should definitley be a surgeon generals warning on them! I'll put a picture of the 4 sizes here and you can see them all over on the flickr site.......
It's been a weird week weatherwise in Indiana... temps up in the 70's... asian ladybugs everywhere covering everything... rain and now cold.... darn I just love it here.... if you don't like the weather just wait a bit... it'll change... lol
I've vaccummed the ladybugs off the door and windows several times this weekend... I no sooner get it done and the little darlings are back!! Just one or two days of really cold weather should shut them down... but just one or two days... then I want the sunshine and warm back!!!
My christmas presents are almost totally done.... I have 2 things to make before thanks giving and then 2 more that I don't need til xmas eve and that's it!!! Well... almost it... I have to make the cats new toys and a new nip pad......
ok... here's the sock sacks pic....
have a great week