ok... so now there's another addiction in my sewing pit........ flip flap pillows. I made two 12" pillows so far.... here's how they work.... the back of the pillow is a solid piece of fabric... the front of the pillow is made from 4 different squares of fabric.... now there are two flaps 6" wide.... one at the top and one at the bottom.... the flaps have 2 6" squares of fabric on one side and two 1/2 square triange blocks on the other side.......... each thing on this pillow is a different fabric so you are looking at about 17 different pieces..... great for the scrap basket as for the small pillow the blocks are cut 6 1/2" or 6 7/8" and a 12" square for the back....
now you join this all together... front to back with a flap at the top and bottom.... then you take a big button..... and sorta tuft the pillow.... you need a big button on each side.... now the fun begins........ you can have the pillow front with the flaps down.... or the flaps folded on a diagonal up or diagonal down or some up and some down .... they tuck just under the button and that holds them in place.... then you can flip it over and play with the flaps on the back of the pillow... tooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!
there are pictures on flickr........ I have two 16" pillow forms so I think that I'll make two more large ones.... one for me and one as a sample for a future class maybe......... the smaller ones will go to my sister and niece at christmas
A few more microwave bowl potholders were made this weekend..... progress on some secret things were done also. The sock is finished and posted out on flickr also.
I'm still having some issues with my back and leg so sitting still isn't great... but it's getting better.... hopefully this weekend will be a productive one and I can then take stock of what I have and what I need before thanksgiving.........
It's cold and damp and dark and dreary here and I'd love nothing better than to be napping right now under my flannel quilt... ( my fav) with the cats snuggled up around my feet.... but alas....that's just NOT gonna happen!! lol so it's back to work and try to make myself at least look productive today........ which also aint gonna happen!!
head on over to flickr when you can and check out the latest pics.......
til then