How the heck did it get to be the middle of October already?? I couldn't have slept that long!! Or could it be that I'm so busy that time just flies on by?? Yeah... that's probably it.... lol
Over the last 10 days I got quite a bit done.... I got most of the binding work done... have to do the red/white/blue door banner and that pile is finished.... I got all of Marks pants mended...zippers replaced...buttons sewn on and buttonholes tightened up... I taught a class.......I made 3 Snowman Wall hangings.... they are all batted and backed and ready for quilting too! I made 3 Mitten/Heart wall hangings... they are also all batted and backed and ready for quilting. I found some free patterns on the net for strips.... I made 6 stockings nad 4 placemats... the placemats are quilted AND the binding is done! The stockings are complete too!
I have a class next week on Fabric Bowls.... I have a few samples at the shop.. but I made another one... it's a tuscany type wine fabric thing.....I dried several club rolls....then glazed them.... and put them in the bowl with some shredded basket stuff.... pretty cute actually... just something to show at class... I still have to finish up my handouts for class...and I better move it to the top of my list...cuz class is thursday!!
I made 12 coasters from pre printed fabric... I batted and backed them and then used them to practice my free motion quilting.... so they are all finished too! I did up two more pillowcases for halloween....and a checkbook cover and 3 wonder wallets.... all in plain black.....yeah.... there's a reason for it.......
I cut 6 small christmas trees... I have 6 more to cut and then I can start sewing them... they are 3 dimentional and stuffed.... only about 6" tall...they get ribbons and pompoms on their branches...they turn out pretty cute...... I haven't made any for about 2 years now so I decided this would be the year...
I cut out a pillow and a set of pillow wraps.... these will be for my niece for christmas....... speaking of which...didja notice the cool countdown counter??? Only 71 more days... 10 more working weekends!! Better get a move on tick tick tick
Next week the new Lazy Girl Bag Pattern should arrive!! It's the Miranda bag and you can see it on the Lazy Girl blog site... there's a link on the left...... I have the fabric and I've been chompin at the bit for months now!!! That will probably move to the top of the list for this weeks stuff...depending on when it arrives.......
Well..I'm thinkin' that's about it for this week........ next week will be the quilting on the 6 wall hangings... the 12 trees and Markies Shirts.... plus anything else I can get done...
Have a wonderful week!!