I've been notified that Photosite is shutting down... they are moving to snapfish... I'm moving to Flickr.
The new photo address is
www.flickr.com/photos/sewwunderfulRight now all that's posted there is some pictures of the yoyo's made with the new yoyo makers from Clover... I have some goodies ready and waiting for the camera....so I hope to get them up this weekend....
The shower curtain needs it's header and button holes.... the wall hanging still needs it's quilting and the toilet seat needs to be finished........... one good day should do it... now it's just a matter of finding that day lol
I've done 6 portables for the xmas box.... 2 will get some quilting/sewing tools added, one will get some crossword books and pencils added, 2 will get notepads, pens, stamps, etc and become a portable office and I'm not real sure about the last one.... guess it will depend on who gets it!!
I'm also working on a table runner... needs binding............and a patriotic door banner...that's for a customer...and a patriotic table topper... might be for the customer... but it just might be mine! lol
I'll get all updated this weekend.......... and remember
We are now down to 167 days til xmas!! Don't be waiting til the last minute! lol