Thursday, February 3, 2011


Ok.... so what else is there to say? Here... there and EVERYWHERE there is snow and ice and drifts the size of a small country! BUT..... there was good news in all of this......

I got two days off cuz of the snow! woooooohoooooooooo SNOW/SEW days!

I worked on quite a bit of most of my swaps for february done and in the mail!!! Got my civil war BOW #5 done........... made a little sweet treat bag and a couple of scrap blocks!


Pictures are up on flickr and I'll post some below also.......

They want more snow this weekend/early next who knows! I might be able to get all my march stuff done too! lol

Be safe and Be warm..........


The towel below is for my sisters birthday... she was born on groundhogs day.... the sweet treat bag is made from a small honey bun ( strips 1 1/2" wide)