January is more than half gone already! Wow! We've had a bit of snow.... a lot of warm 50's weather...and a kickass hail storm the other nite! I love Indiana! lol
So far for this year I've made the Island Chain quilt...... it's halfway quilted right now and I hope to be able to finish it and get the binding on this weekend....
I also made a Trip Around the World Throw with some fabrics I received for christmas...that one is quilted and on the WOB pile
Two UFO's have been completed... a set of Pine tree placemats and a set of Criss Cross Coasters........
Samples made for Classes this quarter......... another Flip Pillow for a March Class... a Petite Quilters Wallet for a February class and 2 Shooting Star table mats for a class this saturday..... The wallet needs it's binding stitched down...as does the tablemats... they'll be done tonite and the wallet finished this weekend also......
I also made small friendship bag tote and teeny key chain totes for the goals for January for 25Weeks til Christmas group
All the goodies except the wallet can be seen on the flickr site....
So far I've been sticking to the finish all new starts and do up the UFO's resolution I made this year....... the toughest thing is the completions... I love starting new stuff ( which is obvious by my UFO box) and I hate the finishing details ( also obvious by the UFO box) but I'm determined to stick to it as best I can!
More updates to come.... so stay tuned!!