Christmas is right around the corner....... well, not exactly around the corner, but definitely down the road. There are 178 days til christmas.......that means 25 saturdays. So what you say?? Well I have a challenge for all of you! If you make one present a week... and put it in a box on saturday nite... you will have 25 gifts for christmas! Plus you will still have 2 days left to relax and enjoy the holiday season.
so.............. beginning this week........... you are to take 2 hours out of your schedule and make a gift for the 25 week box. You don't have to show me or even tell me.... but I don't wanna hear any whining when it gets down to the wire and you aren't ready! lol
If you are making a quilt or large gift... just log those two hours...and put the gift in the box when it's finished....... no problem there either. It can be sewn or knit or crocheted or any craft you do... doesn't matter..... and if you don't do any of that.... then go out each week and purchase one thing and put it in the box....
And if you can't find and hour or two to spend with yourself working on a present for someone you love... then you need to take a serious look at your schedule!! You are waaaay over booked!
Ok.... now for my updates............
The bathroom project is nearing completion. The shower curtain front is done and attached to the backing.... I have to make the header and put in the button holes and attach it to the curtain and it'll be ready for hanging. The wall hanging is ready for quilting and the toilet seat cover is cut. I'm sooooooooooooooo excited... the curtain looks awesome. You'll see it all when I get it all in place in the bathroom.
I'll be out of town a few days this coming week.........but I'll be taking my knitting and yoyo stuff with me so I can be productive while riding........... oh....and the yoyo's!! Have you seen the yoyo makers that Clover has out? wow!! ARe these things fun! and addicting........... I've made quite a few black and gold ones for pins..........and I found an angel pin pattern made with round and heart shaped yoyo's.... I want to make some of those for the girls at work for xmas........I also want to make some hair barrettes for a friends daughter too. Yep.... there will be pictures when I get'em done.
I also got quite a bit of stuff cut this week.......... 6 portable cases.....a mini quilt wall hanging... it's fishies....and will match the big fish wall hanging that's outside of my bathroom........a door banner and a table runner. I have the stuff ready to cut my corn wall hanging....and I want to try some placemats using the Cotton Theory method of quilting....
I think that's it for this week........... I'll keep you posted on stuff and I'll be sure to post a picture of what I put in the present box saturday nite. I hope to hear about your present boxes too!
Till next week
Happy Crafting
Only 178 days til Christmas