Another week has come and gone.......but I've been busy! One of my current projects is to make new stuff for my bathroom.....this would be a new shower curtain....toilet seat cover, wall hangings and vanity mats. The shower curtain has 5 large assorted stars, the toilet seat has a small star, the vanity mats are 12" stars and the wall hangings are 24 and 36". I have all the stars done for the curtain and seat cover, I have one wall hanging 1/2 way done and one vanity mat almost done. The curtain will be joined to the backing with star buttons and then have the liner attached when it goes on the shower curtain hooks. I have pictures of the stars that are completed so far and I'll get those up before the weekend. I think it's gonna be purty. I have a 50's bathroom... it's yellow and green and white needs perking up!!
I've also started a wall hanging using Eleanor Burns Underground Railroad book and some civil war reproduction fabrics.........and I'll be doing another civil war era quilt too.... its' called Women's Voices and is also gonna be done with 1800's reproduction fabrics. Also on the up and coming list is a lighthouse shower curtain for hubbys bathroom, a corn wall hanging, and a really cute and whimsical cat door banner.... so much for one thing at a time! lol
I also have some thimbleberries stuff in process as well as the 30's saturday sampler block to make for this month.
The old UFO pile has dimished a bit........ but I still have one more tie!! I'd like to get it done this weekend so hubby can take it to his company kickoff meeting in july. I have the bowtie done...and I've been working on his shirts most of this week also. He bought a bunch of new ones and chose some embroidery for over the pockets. I have 6 done and 3 more to do.
I need just a few more hours in the day I think.
In just a few short weeks it will be time to start the christmas goodies box. There are a few things in it already, but full swing starts in July....
I have a dishcloth with a sewing machine on it on my needles....and I'm determined I"m gonna learn how to use double points to make a pair of socks!!
The garage sale was a huge success.... I got rid of lots of stuff but there's still a lot to get rid of... guess I'll just have to make more stuff!
I'll get pictures posted soon........
Have a great day