Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bonnie Hunter OMG!!!!

I had supper at Arnies last nite with Bonnie Hunter!  YES!!!!!!!!    BONNIE HUNTER!!    We have been waiting THREE years for our time with her and last nite was her nite!!!  
What an awesomely creative person!  She is sooooooooooooooooo friendly and soooooooooooooo unassuming....  this is the flipping Queen of the Scrap and she is just like the rest of us!!

She brought many of her quilts to show us and each one was more impressive than the previous one.  She gave us a talk on how to store our scraps and what sizes to cut the leftovers into for future use.   Anything less than a 1/2 fat quarter should be cut up while you have the cutter and ruler in your hand and stored....     colors   and neutrals..........    lights and darks.... no mediums.........  neutrals should not be darker than a brown paper bag.............  my head was exploding by the time I left..........

I do believe my scrap piles are going to be cut and pressed and stacked and stored.......... no more crates and boxes of colors......... nope..... gonna get it organized and get it used!!  so many beautiful quilts to be made without harming any yardage!!  wow!

ok.... i'm going to start plotting and planning now...........   guess what next years theme is gonna be....


visit Bonnie at    grab a cuppa and settle in..............

and just as an aside..............  I am now 99.9% done with christmas 2014!!!  yup   a bit of knitting and a bit of hand sewing... some snaps and some buttons.........!!  woooo hoooooo