Ok so I had a plan! Beginning in January I would post weekly..... I would show the scrap projects that are the focus of this year............. I would be productive............
and then..............
the Hubster fell on the ice at work............... broken leg and shattered ankle...........
so my plans fell to the wayside while I play nurse........... and you need to understand... I'm emergency services... not long term care.... so this has been an adventure for sure!! He's finally to the point where he can do a few things on his own..........so that gives me a bit of time to sew and and catchup on computer stuff.......
I am, however, getting some knitting done...... I made a new pair of fingerless mitts for myself and finished a UFO pair of fingerless mitts that will be going off to my mom this week........... there are pictures on flickr........ I finished a pair of socks........... and I have a dishcloth ufo to finish and a scarf to finish.... the scarf isn't quite a UFO yet... but I need to get working on it so it stays as a WIP... plus when that's done... I want to try to make some of those fingerless mitts with a flap that look like mittens.......
After this horrid winter.... I'm planning on lots of scarves and mitts and a pair of leg warmers for next winter....... we've had something like 40 inches of snow in January......and horribly cold below zero temps... so with hubster being laid up... the snow removal also falls to me.......... I'm getting pretty good at weilding the snow blower and making it do things it was probably never meant to do! lol The weather guy says one more snow storm..........and then warmer temps... .like the 50's..........which means lots of melting and flooding..........I already have a plan on how to shovel little pathways to take the melting snow out to the drain.......... we'll see how that goes.........
I'll be doing the Row by Row again this year for guild... our group is doing a miniature version.... 4 1/2" blocks... so that's gonna be lots of fun.............Once I get my sewing time back again I'll also be doing the Quilts for Kids tops........... and I'm still doing the Peace Love Quilt charity blocks on flickr........ I need to put the top together with the blocks that were sent to me.... hmmmm better write that on the list!!
I'm also doing a Farmer Wife Sampler sew along on Craftsy. Each month there are 10 blocks to do....and there are simpler ways to cut and sew the blocks so this should be fun. I've wanted to do this for about 3 years now and just didn't have the time to fiddle with some of the blocks... this should help me stay on track.......... plus it will be a scrappy quilt... so i'll be using scraps for each block. The plan is to try to use the same color families that the book uses....but just in scrappy form......... I have most of my January blocks done.... 4 more I think to go.... then on to february...so hopefully by the end of february i'll be back on track with those also........
The hubster should be back to being mobile and functional by the end of March.............
Oh... the picture on the blog this time is the Tokoyo Subway Quilt I did in 2011 or 2012.... I don't remember but it got finished as a UFO in 2013............... that also was all done with scraps....even the whites were scraps and leftovers.........that's just there to help keep me on track.........
As usual pics will be out on www.flickr.com/sewwunderful and hopefully at some point I'll be putting some on here too.........
So til the next time.... whenever that might be.............
Happy Scrapping