Ok... I have a UFO update.... two baby quilts are now tied and have the binding on... just ready for handstitching now...... I'm excited about that!! Dishcloth and sock status are the same... nuthing new on either of those....... I'm slowly making progress on the scarf I started so that's good .......
I've posted some pics on flickr..... some samples for a paper piecing class..... the swap blocks for my March swap........and my Barn Block...... I'll post the barn block at the end of this post....... I really like these... they go quickly and they are going to make a really fun quilt/wallhanging/something... not sure yet what i'll do with them... or how many I'll do. Guess that depends on what I want to do with them... lol
I have 1 1/2 sides to finish binding on a baby quilt for the end of february... that will get done during the olympics tonite..... in fact... I think a lot of knitting might get done during the olympics over the next two weeks......
So far theres no sign of spring coming anytime soon either..... more snow is expected this week and it's COLD!!!! We didn't get as much as they expected... but enough to be annoying! and did I mention... it's COLD!!!
I've also posted pictures of some origami Jolly bags that I made.... they are from the same place that I got the origami pockets from... RomanianQuiltStudio... these are really fun and can be made easily from any size square.. the itty bitty ones have potential to become christmas magnets or ornaments...
ok... that's it for this week........back to the olympics!!