The beginning of this week we had frost.... real frost... not just cold... yesterday is was 86 90...WTH???
I spent most of today sewing....and some of yesterday also.... I now have the easter, april, june and july mini quilts done.... quilted and bound a table topper and made some napkins for a birthday present... put together one set of swap blocks into a nice quilt top.......cheated and jumped ahead a bit and made the 12th block of the 30's BOM...that block isn't due til december... but it was easy to figure out and I'm getting excited to get it finished! lol
Now it's time to make some supper... settle in with my knitting and watch some TV
Hopefully this coming week will be a productive one also. I'm behind on my Barn of the Week... I'm 4 back now... and I have to put together the final barn of the Golden Thimble hanging.... maybe I'll make those a goal for this week.......they will be done by the end of October.... but i'll push for this week.
I have some knit stocking to do... little mini one's... just big enough for a roll of lifesavers or some lipbalm.... that's what I'll be working on tonite....
The pictures will be up on flickr in a little while... gonna do supper first...
have a great week everyone!!!