Actually its April... but you wouldn't guess it from outside! Last friday is was 78... today its 32 and yesterday we had snow and sleet! I really think someone needs to get some meds to Mother Nature! lol
So on the UFO front.... for January 10 UFO's were completed.......... For february there were only 5 but I was busy! lol I was at quilt camp and hubby and I were spending our weekends on the road here and there.... looking for Sugar Camps that were operational.... there weren't many this year... the torrential rains pretty much flooded out all of the Maple festivals that were usually go to... but i made up for it and finished up 12 UFO's for march.......... I have most of the smaller projects done.... they were quick to finish up and I really don't know why I stopped with only 20 minutes work left on them.... (SMH) the next list is the small project list.... I have several wall hangings that have to be backed..batted and quilted and bound... I think there are maybe 6 or so of those... I know of at least two large table covers.... and I'm sure of 3 quilts ... one is ready for quilting.. one needs borders and then backed and batted and the other one just needs to be backed batted and quilted and bound....... I'm thinking if I go thru the pile and get everything that I can ready to quilt... that will be a great timesaver...and once I have a machine and space set up for the quilting I can just keep on going til its done....
I know there is much more in the pile.... and I unfolded one project only to find two more hidden inside... geeeeze!!!
I'm also starting a binding pile again.... so I have projects to do while watching tv or traveling on the road.........
I need to go thru my knitting UFO's and get those listed too... there aren't many of those.... at least I don't think so.... maybe 5ish?? I'd like to get all of them finished up by years end also.... but we'll see........... knitting always takes longer than I think it does lol
I made a quilts of valor top that will go to the charity person at guild this month as well as a top for the TSC homeless kids project........ I still need to make 2 small quilts for charity as well as about 12 more place mats ( I have four done) for the Meals on Wheels project.... Our guild is also doing Port Pillows.... they go on the seatbelt to protect the port of cancer patients......... I have 10 of those done and ready to turn in this month also......... once this stuff is done my charity committments for this year should be complete.... until something else comes up.......
I think next blog i'll try adding some pics of my completed projects here.... oh... I did take a short trip down the "modern" quilt path.... I made a small wall quilt.... it was called RoadWork I think and was a crosswalk.... yep.... that's right... a crosswalk... apparently this is an intersection that the designer has to go thru on her commute that always is congested.... i'll be sure to get that pic posted..... its... well..... "modern" ... not sure that's a path I want to spend a lot of time on.... but we'll see
Ok... time to get some work done........... later
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