Ok... so last week was my pumpkin adventure and this week was applesauce. I made about 3 quarts of applesauce in the crockpot... no sugar added..... just cut up the apples... cored and peeled.... added 3/4 cup water with some lemon juice in it.... and in about 5 hours I had wonderful applesauce!!! Yum!!
It was a much more productive week then it has been......... lots of projects worked on.... 3 more microwave potholder bowls... couple of tater sacks... a bunch of bibs..burps and wipes and some pinwheel blocks for a special quilt for an ill swapper on flickr....... I also got all of my October swap stuff out in the mail and the burp of the month and potholder of the months have been mailed also!
I'm down to about 10 rows on the toe of my sock and that set will be complete!! that's my third pair!! Next I want to try a set of fingerless mitts.... something simple for work.... it gets really cold in there sometimes and my hands get realllly cold! There are sooooooooooo many out there to choose from!!
Christmas 2011 is moving right along and is on schedule for a thanksgiving finish....... progress was made today and a few things will be finished up this week and posted on flickr next weekend. I did post a few things out there today if you want to see........
The weather here has been fantastic! Cool in the mornings.... 80's in the afternoon... bright and sunny!!! Rain moving in on wednesday but it'll be ok.... we've been dry about 10 days now so it's time........
guess that's about it for now..........have a safe and productive week
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