I had to get out my very old.... very long bladed knife from years ago to whack thru the pumpkin. My ginsu knives weren't long enough....... so once I got into the lil bugger I took out the seeds and stringy crap... I was going to save the seeds to toast but it was rather yukky trying to get the stringy stuff off of them so I just chucked them! lol
I lined my cookie sheets with foil... cut the pumpkin into big chunks and put them in the oven for about 90 minutes or so......... then it was just a matter of pulling off the rind.......throwing the pumpkin flesh into the food processor and pureeing it.... it then went into ziplock baggies .... 2 healthy cups in each one.... and into the freezer! voila!! I have 4 quarts of ready to use pumpkin. not bad at all and not much work involved really. I have another pumpkin that will fall to the same fate this weekend
This weekend along with the pumpkin I plan on making some crockpot applesauce. We'll head to a local orchard tomorrow and get apples and saturday I'll cut... peel and core them... throw them in the crockpot and let time and heat make me some applesauce! lol depending on how much I make... some of the apple sauce will get stuff added to it and become a jar or two of applebutter... another thing that makes the hubster happy! I'll freeze some of the apple sauce the same way I did the pumpkins....... it'll be nice this winter to have some yummy applesauce... no sugar added....... just a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg........
I've been working on my binding pile... I just have one thing left on it now........the final sock is now at the toe stage........and I have about 10 more yoyo's for my tree wall hanging to do.... things are moving along..... I also did a few more of the microwave bowl potholders and plan to cut another dozen this weekend......
The weather has finally turned fallish......... cold in the mornings with a gorgeous sky filled with bright sparkly stars.... and bright sunny afternoons. But I know that soon it will be winter as I follow Mr Orion across the sky....... soon he'll be gone and I wont see him again til spring. but on the good side... November 6th we get our hour back!!! Daylight savings time will end and I get an extra hour to play! wooohoooo!!
My entire christmas list is planned and about 1/4 of it is completed...... 1/4 of it will be ready in december and the other half will be done for thanksgiving.... so that's on track and moving along......
I haven't worked on the Farmers Daughter Sampler for a few weeks.... I need to do up a few more blocks to keep on track with that....... and I have two more UFO's ready for quilting........
I'm putting pics on flickr ( www.flickr.com/sewwunderful ) as I do things and there are a few things I can't post yet......
I've got my October potholders... burps...bibs and bitty blocks all ready to be packaged up for mailing... that's on this weekends list.... I can't see how the postoffice is going broke.... I spend a small fortune each month in postage!! lol
ok... enough for now.... I'll let you know how the applesauce comes out
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