Thursday, May 15, 2014

Really?? Two months have flown by!

Yep.... well actually only 6 weeks    lol     Winter is finally over and things are returning slowly to normal.  Hubby is up and about... the wheel chair is gone... the boot is gone and all that remains is an occasional use of the cane.......   

He's back to doing some of the things he did before the ** event  ** in January and his office is now moved back downstairs to where it was.........

I'm finally able to get some time in the sewing pit.... and it has become a HUGE pit over the winter.... I have a few things that need finishing up...........  a pillow for a graduation present...........a pink baby quilt.........a scrappy baby quilt for an unknown gender........ and several months of Farmers Wife Sampler Blocks.........along with a wall hanging for my office at work.   Our guild is having an ice cream social in june and we are to make a small quilt   .... no smaller than 8" and no larger than 24" .... ice cream related... I have an idea in my head and half of it on paper........ I even have a pile of fabrics that would work nicely.........

Right now the pillow top is done..........the squares are waiting to be sewn together for the pink baby quilt...... the plan is in place for the unknown baby quilt.........  the FWS blocks have been put under the other stuff.... the strips have been sewn together for the wall hanging.... ready for triangles to be cut and sewn together.     On the needles is the gray blingy scarf.... about 8" left and that will be done.... two thumbs need to be put on the pink flap mitts......... and the sweater is about 1/2 way complete... I need to finish the back and right front.... then the right sleeve and the wide band that goes around the front and neck.............   I'm really not stressing over any of this..........  the pink quilt should be done by june 15th to go back east with us.... but if not.... I'll mail it............ the unknown should be done by July 15th... but if not...  I'll mail it!  the scarf and sweater and mitts should be done very soon but since I can't wear them anyway right now they will get done when they get done!  The graduation present should be done this weekend, but she's going on a SA trip to Japan and then she'll be back for grad school so I'll get it to her this summer sometime............   the FWS blocks... hmmmm well the January blocks are done......... 1/2 of the february blocks are done............ the rest of february will get done when they get done and when they are done March will be worked on............the ice cream quilt will be done if there is time........but if it's not done.... then it's not........

i think i'm liking this new attitude of mine............  we'll see what the end of May brings............

pics are going on flickr as things are finished... so you can always check there for progress... I take pics of the sweater at various times and you can see it growing.... it's made cuff to cuff..... and as I said... I'm on the down hill side now........... 

I have my christmas gift list done........and a few kits made up............ my list has gotton smaller over the last year or so and starting in July gives me lots of time to get that stuff finished up........

so all in all............  things are good..........    

see you in a few weeks... hopefully with lots of progress completed... and if not.... well then I'll just see ya in a few weeks


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