Trying new things... revisiting old things...using up... finishing up The image was a free 18" block by Corey Yoder... so much fun to do
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The last of 2007
I can spend next week baking, decorating, and just slackin' back and doing absolutely nuthin'!!!
For those who want to join in next years 25 weeks of christmas... we'll be starting on July 5th.
I've posted the last 3 pictures of 2007 at A Miranda College bag, the carrot sticks runner and finally a picture of my Buddy, Rowdy. I'll start again in February. I take the month of January to clean up the sewing pit.... organize my stuff, take stock of what I need...notions, interfacing, etc and also make a note of what I have way to much of so I can start using that up first. It also gives my creative juices a chance to build and as I see things or think of things I'd like to do, I make a note. My sewing and embroidery machines will go for their yearly checkups and I will step back and admire my clean and neat sewing room...cuz I know that in a mere few weeks it will once again turn into the sewing pit from hell!!
My main theme for 2008 is the Year of Less. I want to lose some poundage, I want to spend less time on the computer and more time outdoors, I want to spend less at the Quilt Shops and use up more of what I've stashed away.... I want to spend less time texting, and more time actually talking with friends.......I want to spend just as much time dreaming...but more time making those dreams realities.....
Some of my creative goals are to learn to paperpiece......make a Mariners' Compass wall hanging...learn to knit socks......and finish up all my UFO's, PIGS, and WHIMMS!!
The fat quarter challenge will continue...... send me your pictures and I'll post them in the challenge folder.... the idea is to make what you can out of just ONE fat quarter. You can see what's there already on the photo site.
I've already started my list of things to do for 2008 and I'm sure it will grow longer before January even gets here!
To all of my knitting, sewing, crafting, stashbusting and Lazy friends... I wish you all a safe and Happy holiday season....... Merry Christmas to all .... and a Happy, Lazy, Creative New Year
Lish, Ticker and Rowdy
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Count Down is ON!!!!
I have to finish a pair of lounge pants... they need elastic and hems.... make the cats toys.....and make one tote bag and I'm alllllllllllllllll done!!!
With any luck, I'll meet my goal to be finished by this weekend.... Then I'll clean up the sewing pit... bake some cookies and get the house ready for Holiday entertaining....including the Motor City Bowl party... with any luck (actually with a lot of luck) Purdue will win and end the season on a high note!
Last post I mentioned a Fat Quarter Challenge... what can you make from just one fat quarter of fabric?? I've posted two pics in the photo section... the link is on the left.... you can make 10, yes! 10 chicken pincushions!!! ....and you can make 10 fabric fortune cookies from one fat quarter... you can also make 2 wonderwallets from one fat quarter too!! I'm going to continue on with this challenge...and will post pictures as I make stuff from just one Fat Quarter... should you care to play... send me a picture of what you made from just one fat quarter and I'll post it in my Challenge Folder. The rules are simple....... use just one fat quarter of fabric.... if you need to embellish..or need that tiny bit more ... you can use up to one 4" x 18" piece of extra fabric but that's all! The challenge will go on for think of creative and send me pictures!! You can send them to
The new pictures include the fortune cookies and well as 3 aprons....4 ties......5 trees....2 thimbleberry pot mats, 2 thimbleberry candlemats, 2 purple ohio star pot mats to match one of the aprons, a chinese takeoutbox with cookies.....
The thimbleberry mats started off as a table runner... 4 Ohio Stars...which were supposed to then be sashed and put together for a table runner.... I put the sashing on the first block and it looked so pretty sitting there on the table....I decided to keep it that way.... so I used up the sashing to make 2 large candlemats and the remaining 2 blocks will be pot mats . They need to have the binding stitched down... that'll be done tonite
My binding stack was down to nothing.... for about 20 minutes... I quilted two more mitten wall hangings and added the binding....and then added the candlemats and pot mats....... seems like the binding stack is always there!!
Now remember!! Only 3 more weekends til Christmas!! So get busy!
Til Next time
Friday, November 30, 2007
November is Gone!
November has been a busy month! I have a bearspaw wall hanging,2 pair of lounge pants for the hubster to do, 2 nip mats for the cats and a couple of nip toys for them also and then Im all done and ready for the Jolly Guy to visit! I'll post pictures of the rest of the goodies this weekend....and the pants when they get done...
My goal is to finish EVERYTHING by December 7th..........then relax....clean up the sewing pit and bake some cookies!!
As I look back over the last month I realize I've learned a few things....... using fusible without a press sheet is asking for trouble.........letting the cats know where you keep the catnip is not a good thing......and with careful planning you can get a lot of stuff out of one fat quarter!
Hmmmmmmmmmm that sounds like it might be a fun challenge for the new year.... a contest.... to see how much can be made from just one 18 x 22 fat quarter.... hmmmmmmmmm
Ok Lazies.....Ok Stashbusterbuddies..........waddayathink?? Shall I issue a challenge for the new year?? Ok.... I will......... I challenge you all to take one fat quarter...just one....and see what you can make from it! This should be fun!!!!
Till the weekend
Happy Quilting, Happy Sewing, Happy everything!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I've been finishing up stuff to take back to PA over thanksgiving.... plus I we had small mini sale at work so I made trees.....20 of'em!! They are great little things and they go really fast!
I also finished a set of pillow wraps, 12 chicken placemats, quilted the mitten hanging and finished that up.... finished up an assortment of odds and ends that needed binding and little details added here and there........ made drawstring bags for the kids stuff........and cut some aprons and potholders which I'll sew when I get back.....
There's pictures on the flickr site.
Tomorrow I'll pack clothes and an assortment of knitting, and handsewing to take along so I have something to do on the's about 12 way........ I'll take the laptop too so I can keep up on things and read all my yahoo digests lol.
Oh....and my Wonder Cuppa was featured on the Checker distributors web site!!! You can see the wonderful article written by Jenny Stratton here
I just love making these and have a few others in mind.....once I find the perfect fabric!!!
Be sure to check the photos.....and don't forget to check the Santa Countdown so you know when the Jolly guy will be here............
Take care everyone and I'll blog again when I get back
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Miranda and Gracie and other stuff
I also found a fun thing on the net.... they're called Roly Nesters and they work like Russian Nesting Dolls... you know...those dolls that start big and you keep opening them til you get to the teeny tiny doll.... These are a set of 3 ... they have zippers and fit inside each other for storage and hold all sorts of wondrous stuff.... I think I may adapt the largest one to fit knitting needles... now that would be awesome!!
I also did up a bunch of poinsettia pins on the E machine.... the larger ones are done on organza and the smaller ones on fabric.... all of them will become either pins or package ties.... not sure... but probably mostly pins......
There's pictures of everything including Ticker on the photo site. Ticker is my sewing room guardian...along with her sister Rowdy...who was into the catnip and declined having her photo taken lol
This week starts full bore on finishing up quilting and binding and last minute goodies.... I'll be taking stuff back to PA with me so I need to get crackin! Actually I'm in really good shape.... I have a pillow and set of pillow wraps to do..... a lobster T shirt.... and the quilting and binding on two table toppers.... the mittens and snowmen......... when I get back...... I'll be working on stuff for the hubster.... trinkets for the girls at work.... and new catnip pads and toys for Ticker and Rowdy.....
Oh....and for those keeping track ( and you know who you are) Okie Dokie Duckie has updated her site.....
Next weekend those of us on DST will get an hour back!!! Outstanding!!! I can't wait! I've been waiting a long time to get that hour returned to me........ I thought when I moved to Indiana I wouldn't have to deal with the clock thing anymore.... but .... oh... we won't go into that......
Keep and eye on the counter.... the Jolly Guy will be here before you know it!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
It's the Middle of October!!!
Over the last 10 days I got quite a bit done.... I got most of the binding work done... have to do the red/white/blue door banner and that pile is finished.... I got all of Marks pants mended...zippers replaced...buttons sewn on and buttonholes tightened up... I taught a class.......I made 3 Snowman Wall hangings.... they are all batted and backed and ready for quilting too! I made 3 Mitten/Heart wall hangings... they are also all batted and backed and ready for quilting. I found some free patterns on the net for strips.... I made 6 stockings nad 4 placemats... the placemats are quilted AND the binding is done! The stockings are complete too!
I have a class next week on Fabric Bowls.... I have a few samples at the shop.. but I made another one... it's a tuscany type wine fabric thing.....I dried several club rolls....then glazed them.... and put them in the bowl with some shredded basket stuff.... pretty cute actually... just something to show at class... I still have to finish up my handouts for class...and I better move it to the top of my list...cuz class is thursday!!
I made 12 coasters from pre printed fabric... I batted and backed them and then used them to practice my free motion quilting.... so they are all finished too! I did up two more pillowcases for halloween....and a checkbook cover and 3 wonder wallets.... all in plain black.....yeah.... there's a reason for it.......
I cut 6 small christmas trees... I have 6 more to cut and then I can start sewing them... they are 3 dimentional and stuffed.... only about 6" tall...they get ribbons and pompoms on their branches...they turn out pretty cute...... I haven't made any for about 2 years now so I decided this would be the year...
I cut out a pillow and a set of pillow wraps.... these will be for my niece for christmas....... speaking of which...didja notice the cool countdown counter??? Only 71 more days... 10 more working weekends!! Better get a move on tick tick tick
Next week the new Lazy Girl Bag Pattern should arrive!! It's the Miranda bag and you can see it on the Lazy Girl blog site... there's a link on the left...... I have the fabric and I've been chompin at the bit for months now!!! That will probably move to the top of the list for this weeks stuff...depending on when it arrives.......
Well..I'm thinkin' that's about it for this week........ next week will be the quilting on the 6 wall hangings... the 12 trees and Markies Shirts.... plus anything else I can get done...
Have a wonderful week!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Braggin Rights!!
check it out here!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
September 30th
I also did up 3 pillowcases....and 6 more a bib for a friends ministers baby.... it's been a good week!!!!! Yes.... hubby was out of town most of it lol and I took a day or two off
There are pictures of everything on the photo place... check'em out!!
For those keeping track.... there are 12 working weekends left until if you haven't started that christmas box... you better get moving! The elves will be here to pick it up before you know it!!
This week I hope to get the binding's stitched on all the stuff I finished up.....and get the lining tacked to the front of the shower curtain..... I also have a stack of stuff that hubby needs done... there are two pair of jeans that need zippers....and 4 or 5 shirts that he wants stuff embroidered that's also part of this weeks goal......
Next weekend I'm teaching all day saturday.... so probably won't get much done on saturday...although hubby will be at the OhioState vs Purdue ( go boilers!!) football game....which doesn't start til he'll be gone til well after midnite I would imagine....hmmmmm I might get some stuff done saturday anyway! lol
I guess that's about it for now....... have a safe week........
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ok Ok...I missed last week.... sowwy (pout)
Yesterday was Meet the Teacher day at the shop where I teach... the teachers came with their samples to chat with folks about their classes... it was wonderful... there were lots of people...and lots of questions and lots of class signups for all of us...
I posted some pictures on flickr. I have pictures of a fabric bowl and matching table runner that I made as a thankyou present.... it came out great and she loved it! I have pictures of 3 candle mats...they are all made from the same single block...but the designs vary by the way you join the blocks... it's a fun and easy block......and I'm sure I'm gonna make more of these.... I want to do a table runner and some placemats from it.......
I also did up a few more pillowcases for samples...but forgot to take pictures of them before they went to the shop yesterday.... I'll do it when they come back after class in two weeks...... I enjoy the pillowcase making... it's really fast and fun!!
I'm taking a few days off the end of next I'm hoping to get a lot done..... there's only 13 more weekends left til christmas!!
Today I'll be making a few more wonder wallets.... they are special requests....I also hope get a few more sets of candlemat blocks made ... we'll see
Embroidery Club is Tuesday so I need to gather up all my goodies for that also... I have samples made already from a previous I think I'm good to go!!
If I get a lot accomplished this week.... I may do a midweek post.... otherwise... I'll see ya next Sunday.... promise!!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
That Ugly Place
After I got the crud out and the black thingy back in ... I resumed todays projects. I needed to make 3 fabric bowls ... 2 are samples for a class I'll be teaching and one will have a matching table runner and be a thank you gift. Each bowl is a bit different even though they all started from the same square. The apple bowl is much deeper because I cut the darts wider.... and the thank you gift bowl has the points cut off the corners.... each of the three bowls is reversible too.
I also finished up a table runner for a button quilting class. It's called Square Peg in a Round Hole ... it's made from homespuns so it gets that frayed edge look and it's quilted with buttons... its a great project to show off antique or unusual buttons. I just have to hand stitch the binding and it's finished.... I also have to hand stitch some binding on a wallet I'm trying out... it has a small change pocket... a couple of credit card slots and a bill section.... it's lightly quilted and sort of squarish.
I spent most of the week writing up the instructions for a Cotton Theory Quilting class I'm doing on Saturday.... I also needed to get all the samples done for my the supply lists. There's a meet the teacher thing at the quilt shop and we need to have us and our samples there so people can ask us questions and hopefully sign up for our classes. It's something new we're trying so we'll see how it goes..... I'm doing fabric bowls, magic pillow cases, Portables, the Button Quilting thing and a class on designing your own fabric bowls... it's an artsy fartsy type class ...and I was asked to do it.... I don't do artsy fartsy.......but I think this will be fun....
Tonite I'll work on my bindings while I watch some TV. The rest of this week will be doing 2 more wallets of a different style....printing up the stuff for saturdays class and going over the lesson to be sure I haven't forgotton anything...and the table runner that's part of the thank you gift.... if there's still time (yeah right) I might do a block or two on the Underground Railroad Wall Hanging...
Oh.... and in case you are only have 16 weekends left til christmas!! so ya better get moving on those gifts!
Til next week
Monday, August 27, 2007
Chocoblue Set and LazyGirl Stuff
The new Miranda bag is outstanding!! check out I have my pattern preordered and my fabric picked out and ordered too.... now.... is it october yet???
I finished up the tote bag and zipper pouch that goes with the chocoblue set I've been working on.... it's really called MetroBlue but I like chocoblue much better. There are pics in the folder on the photo site.
Now that I've done something for me... it's back to working on the christmas box... there's 17 more weekends til christmas!!! For those of you playing along.... you should have 8 presents minimum in the box.......or at least something close to that number... and for those of you who choose to help the economy by shopping... you have 121 days left.
Check out the photo site for some applique towels too... this is a club project. I just love the ghost and the snowman!
I do believe thats it for this week.....
Have a safe labor day holiday....
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The 3 Hour Lazy WorkOut
From these three fats I made 3 LazyGirl projects.... A runaround bag... a wallet and a checkbook cover. I even had some scraps left.
Check the photosite for pictures of these three projects.
I also got a few hats done this week for my student worker.... I live in a black and gold world in Indiana.... northwest of the Crimson and Cream world. My student worker requested a hat.... it's on the photosite too.... for those of you in northern'll understand... for those of you in southern Indiana.... well... you'll undertand too! lol
He is also getting a Google King hat.... this boy is quite inquisitive...and when he doesn't understand something or know something... it's off to google he goes.... we're rewarding him with a hat... he really likes hats lol
It was quite a busy week at school.... the freshman came in last week and the rest of the little darlings came this week... monday is the first day of class... the next two weeks will be non stop and I doubt I'll get a whole lot done when I get home at nite....but we'll see.
The finger booboo is still a bit sore....but it's getting better ( still can't believe I did that_
Oh... I almost forgot..... I made up a wonderwide!!! I widened the wonder wallet.... just too see how it would work out.... I split the front pocket by attaching it to the middle pocket before I put them together.....It's now 7" wide.... holds a couple of cards.... paper money and the middle pocket can be used for change, coupons or receipts.... it's on the photosite also.
Guess that's it for this week
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Lazy Hazy Crazy Dayz of Summer
Earlier this week ...Wedensday I think it was...I grabbed a bundle of 8 fat quarters and decided I needed a new Purse and stuff... stuff being wonder wallets, zippered pouch and check book cover.... I cut the lining and pockets and did those on wednesday nite... thursday I quilted the front and back cover and did the handles.... Friday I went to the State Fair..... today I put the purse together.......made two wonder wallets, a small zippered pouch and a check book cover which also doubles as a datebook/calendar cover. I spent about 5 hours today total finishing up everything.... it normally takes me about 3 hours to make a Towne Purse..... the other stuff takes no time at all. It did some careful cutting to get everything out of those 8 fat quarters....but I did it! It's on the photo site now and it's also been posted at the Lazy Girl Yahoo Group.... if you haven't been there.... you really need to join....there is soooooooooo much lazy there you can't imagine!! and it's quality lazy too!! You can join the yahoo group here You can find LazyGirl Patterns here be careful..... don't forget to put the word designs in there lol.... and you can visit the Lazy Blog at ...lots of fun info and more Lazy there. Ok... I'm not affiliated with LazyGirl Designs... I'm just one heck of a satisified happy lil Lazy sewist! lol
Ok.... my other feat for the week.... Monday I had a vacation day... so I decided to finish up my ornament table runner... it's made from a charm pack by Moda called Holly Jolly....well I was doing the freemotion quilting...and singing a christmas tune and just having a grand old time when somewhere between Fa La and La the finger that was swooping the fabric in and out of the needle swooped in and didn't swoop out in time.... the needle went in next to my nail.... thru the finger...came back up with the bobbin thread hit my nail and broke.... OUCH!!! Fortunately I'm a slow bleeder so I didn't get any blood on the runner... but wow o wee it hurt!!. I'm normally a klutz so I had bandaids and antibiotic ointment close by...and I had a tetnus booster in february so I figured I was good to go. Then the throbbing began.... oh my!! That kinda put a bit of a halt to my sewing for the day........but the runner is finished....and bound and there's a picture of the finger booboo and the runner on the photosite......
I guess that's it for this weeks update....
Have a safe one.... have a cooooool one
Til next week
Sunday, July 29, 2007
July 29th
Sunday, July 22, 2007
July 22, 2007
So needless to say, by the time I got home from work, I had no energy to do any sewing. BUT....
I'm on a roll now! Lol.... While I was sitting in my chair doing nothing.... my brain was making plans... ( scary).... I knew I had two birthdays coming up this week... one tomorrow and one on Wednesday... what to do!!! Well my brain decided that I should take the Lazy Girl Wallet Pattern.....and find that fun Moda fabric I have called Latte or something like that and make WonderCuppa's! It's a LazyGirl Wonder Wallet... made from coffee bean and latte cup fabric and filled with a coffee bag, tea bag, napkin, stir stick, sugar, creamer and sugar substitute.... it's like a mini coffee emergency kit! I made three of them and they are just so darn cute! lol. Pictures are on flicker.... the link is to the left somewhere..... Snapfish is... well...that's another story but my photos won't be there...... lol
I found a bazillion buttons... but not one of them was a coffee pot or coffee cup
I also finished up the binding on the Charm Table Runner. It's made from a Thimbleberries Pack of 24 5" charm squares.... it's quite cute and went together rather quickly.
Today I made a checkbook cover. It's done in the hoop on the embroidery machine... we'll be making these in embroidery club on tuesday and I needed a sample and to refresh my memory on how they are made...... they are really quick to do... under an hour...and make fun christmas presents for that box.... remember the box?? uh huh........sure..........
One of my WonderCuppas and all 6 portables are in the I'm doing just fine so far.
I also managed to get some mending done for a lady at work. I'm about halfway thru quilting a wall hanging/table topper for a girl at work.... it's patriotic and really cool.... it's a present for her mom's birthday next month...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's a secret lol
I have the header ready to attach to the shower curtain so maybe this week I can get to that.... we'll see. I have to make two Cotton Theory Placemats for samples for a class I'm going to be teaching... I have the parts all cut and stacked.... now for the quilting.... that's supposed to be done and up to the shop on tuesday... but I don't think that's gonna happen lol maybe by the weekend.........
Have a great week.........
Saturday, July 14, 2007
I spent the day looking for a crochet leaflet..... I found just about everything I ever lost but not that darn leaflet...... sooner or later it will show up.....and I found so much fun stuff I may never come out of the sewing pit! lol
Gotta go make yoyo's.......... maybe there will be photos soon!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Photos are moving
The new photo address is
Right now all that's posted there is some pictures of the yoyo's made with the new yoyo makers from Clover... I have some goodies ready and waiting for the I hope to get them up this weekend....
The shower curtain needs it's header and button holes.... the wall hanging still needs it's quilting and the toilet seat needs to be finished........... one good day should do it... now it's just a matter of finding that day lol
I've done 6 portables for the xmas box.... 2 will get some quilting/sewing tools added, one will get some crossword books and pencils added, 2 will get notepads, pens, stamps, etc and become a portable office and I'm not real sure about the last one.... guess it will depend on who gets it!!
I'm also working on a table runner... needs binding............and a patriotic door banner...that's for a customer...and a patriotic table topper... might be for the customer... but it just might be mine! lol
I'll get all updated this weekend.......... and remember
We are now down to 167 days til xmas!! Don't be waiting til the last minute! lol
Sunday, July 1, 2007
It's that time of the year!!!
so.............. beginning this week........... you are to take 2 hours out of your schedule and make a gift for the 25 week box. You don't have to show me or even tell me.... but I don't wanna hear any whining when it gets down to the wire and you aren't ready! lol
If you are making a quilt or large gift... just log those two hours...and put the gift in the box when it's finished....... no problem there either. It can be sewn or knit or crocheted or any craft you do... doesn't matter..... and if you don't do any of that.... then go out each week and purchase one thing and put it in the box....
And if you can't find and hour or two to spend with yourself working on a present for someone you love... then you need to take a serious look at your schedule!! You are waaaay over booked!
Ok.... now for my updates............
The bathroom project is nearing completion. The shower curtain front is done and attached to the backing.... I have to make the header and put in the button holes and attach it to the curtain and it'll be ready for hanging. The wall hanging is ready for quilting and the toilet seat cover is cut. I'm sooooooooooooooo excited... the curtain looks awesome. You'll see it all when I get it all in place in the bathroom.
I'll be out of town a few days this coming week.........but I'll be taking my knitting and yoyo stuff with me so I can be productive while riding........... oh....and the yoyo's!! Have you seen the yoyo makers that Clover has out? wow!! ARe these things fun! and addicting........... I've made quite a few black and gold ones for pins..........and I found an angel pin pattern made with round and heart shaped yoyo's.... I want to make some of those for the girls at work for xmas........I also want to make some hair barrettes for a friends daughter too. Yep.... there will be pictures when I get'em done.
I also got quite a bit of stuff cut this week.......... 6 portable cases.....a mini quilt wall hanging... it's fishies....and will match the big fish wall hanging that's outside of my bathroom........a door banner and a table runner. I have the stuff ready to cut my corn wall hanging....and I want to try some placemats using the Cotton Theory method of quilting....
I think that's it for this week........... I'll keep you posted on stuff and I'll be sure to post a picture of what I put in the present box saturday nite. I hope to hear about your present boxes too!
Till next week
Happy Crafting
Only 178 days til Christmas
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Oh My Stars Update!
More to come this weekend...........I hope to spend all of saturday sewing... it's too hot to do much else!! lol so we'll see what we come up with
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Stars and Stars and a few more Stars
I've also started a wall hanging using Eleanor Burns Underground Railroad book and some civil war reproduction fabrics.........and I'll be doing another civil war era quilt too.... its' called Women's Voices and is also gonna be done with 1800's reproduction fabrics. Also on the up and coming list is a lighthouse shower curtain for hubbys bathroom, a corn wall hanging, and a really cute and whimsical cat door banner.... so much for one thing at a time! lol
I also have some thimbleberries stuff in process as well as the 30's saturday sampler block to make for this month.
The old UFO pile has dimished a bit........ but I still have one more tie!! I'd like to get it done this weekend so hubby can take it to his company kickoff meeting in july. I have the bowtie done...and I've been working on his shirts most of this week also. He bought a bunch of new ones and chose some embroidery for over the pockets. I have 6 done and 3 more to do.
I need just a few more hours in the day I think.
In just a few short weeks it will be time to start the christmas goodies box. There are a few things in it already, but full swing starts in July....
I have a dishcloth with a sewing machine on it on my needles....and I'm determined I"m gonna learn how to use double points to make a pair of socks!!
The garage sale was a huge success.... I got rid of lots of stuff but there's still a lot to get rid of... guess I'll just have to make more stuff!
I'll get pictures posted soon........
Have a great day
Sunday, June 3, 2007
It's June!
It's June.... how'd that happen?? Only yesterday it was February... I'm sure of it! Well I've been on vacation for the last two weeks and tomorrow is back to work day.... it also means I'll get back on schedule and get some stuff done to post too!
Having off was nice.... really nice.... but I didn't get a lot done... I was too busy flitting here and there and socializing with friends I don't get to see often enough....and that was a good thing...
I've posted some pics on the photo site.... the link is on the main page.......
I made a blue big tote with the stars idea... like I did the thimbleberries one... I used leftovers from the turning 20 quilt I made a few weeks ago.... it came out really nice.... I may make a few more of these for xmas presents.......... I also made a set of Lazy Girl goodies.... I made a wonder wallet and checkbook cover and sassy bag...........all using the leftovers from the blue bag.... The check book cover has a quilt square in the center.... the wallet has a self fabric covered button and I got to use the new Creative Grids Curved Ruler on the sassy bag... oh wow... how neat this lil gadget is! It made a Lazy Project even Lazier! I need to post pics of those on the LazyGirl yahoo site to get my entry in for the free fabric..... oh... like I need more fabric ... lol I just started cleaning out the stuff I have here that I don't use....and probably never will.
We had a garage sale yesterday.... a lot of the excess fabric and patterns went..... and about 10 bags of buttons went also.... it was a very profitable day!
Oh and guess what!!! Finally.... the bow tie is done!!! That leaves one more tie to make.......and they can be crossed off the UFO list..........that list is really dwindling.....
I also made a baby quilt for my new great nephew... John Michael. It's all bright and bold in reds and yellows and it really rocks! I made a pillow case from some equally bright reds and yellows and greens and blues to put it in when I mail it back east to him......... it's just so darn cute! Even did the free motion quilting on it my self!
I have my new bathroom stuff all designed out and started.... I have the 5 stars done for the shower curtain... I need to cut the rest of the blocks and put that together... it will have a white percal lining and i'll attach the front to the lining with tiny star buttons......... 2 of the stars will be enlarged to 24 and 36" and be used as wall hangings.... one of the stars will be reduced to about 6" and used to make the toilet seat cover........the other two stars will be duplicated and be used on the vanity top......... I think it's gonna be pretty cool when it's all done!! I hope to work on that this coming week.........
I'll be doing a small bazzar in october so I need to come up with some quick and easy christmas type projects for this.... maybe some mug aprons.........some quilted stockings.........little sewing kits....stuff like that....
I also plan to work on my xmas list.... that involves a bunch of wonder wallets, a few what-nots, and I think a couple of sassy lots of baby stuff for John and some fun stuff for Andrew! It's sew much fun to sew for little ones again!! Hmmmmmmmmm maybe some crayon bags for the bazzar would work too!
Guess that's it for this week......... Thanks for stopping by....... I'll have something for next week....... dunno what... but maybe some bathroom stuff......... there will be a bunch of thimbleberry club stuff towards the end of the month.... I have two projects to do for that by the end of june......... plus something for show and tell..........
Take care
stop by again and feel free to comment on stuff
Monday, May 21, 2007
Catchup time
I also did a few going away presents... a mug apron and a basket.... I've been working on cleaning up the sewing room too......... sold some stuff on ebay.... plan to have a garage sale the first weekend in June .... and probably sell more stuff on ebay....
I have a new great nephew now also..... so there will be lots of baby stuff being made.... I have a goodie box started for him........ and I should send something to my other great nephew also... just so he doesn't feel left out........... I have an Andrew....and a John......
Also there's a Lazy Girl contest going on... so I need to make a few Lazy Girl projects and get the photos posted.......
I also want to make a shower curtain, 2 wall hangings and 2 star trivets for my bathroom..... I'll keep ya posted on that too..........
Ok... that's it for today..... I'll check in again next Sunday..... promise..........
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Spring at Last!!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
April 22
It was a good week........ I got towels monogrammed....a set of purse accessories made for myself plus a zippered pouch and note pad holder for a friend at work. I finished up the bird cage cover, got all my handouts ready for club on Tuesday and worked on the Thimbleberries project. This thing is huge! I still have one more border and it will be ready for the quilting pile.... the signature quilt is backed and batted and also ready to be quilted... hopefully that will get done this week...... the UFO pile is dwindling!! Soon it will be back to making stuff just because I need something to do! Wow... won't that be different!
I have another Quilters Necessary to make.........that's for a customer..........I'll work on that later this evening... right now... I"m going back outside to enjoy more of this gorgeous day!!
YOu can see the pictures of this weeks goodies at
Have a good week
Sunday, April 15, 2007
April 9-14th
The photosite has been updated with this weeks projects. The thimbleberries club block is done as well as the blocks for the block lotto.... the saturday sampler and the challenge block are also done. I finished my purse so now I have a purse and wallet that matches.......I'll make some accessories for it maybe this coming week.....
The ufo stack is dwindling..... I have the signature quilt wall hanging top done now.... gotta back and batt and quilt it now and do the binding.... I might even make the May 1st deadline!!
I have two baby wash cloths done.... a bottle and a butterfly.... forgot to take pictures of those... I'll get them next time. I have a dishcloth on the needles... it's a sewing machie! How cool is that! It's just over half way..... so that should be done for next time also.
I got table favors done for an upcoming bridal shower....I did some embroidered shirts for a girl at work.....and got the sashings cut for the baby star quilt......I hope to have that done by May 1st also.... the baby that the quilt will belong to is due May 8th... no one knows if it will be a boy or a girl....and they won't even divulge what potential names they've chosen....
There is one orange batik wallhanging thing in the UFO box still..... I hate working with batiks...they feel funny.... I have no idea what possessed me to get this particular kit... but I I'll have to do it up!
I have a bird cage cover left to do for a customer and a set of monogrammed towels...and those darn ties are still hanging around! I guess I'll put a push on this week to see just how much I can finish.....
I guess that's it for now.... don't forget to visit the photosite and also drop by Okie Dokie Duckies place and Winged Horses Places to see what's new with them!
the photo site address is
Til next week..........
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Catchup Week
The black/gold sig quilt has all but one signature... I'll get that Monday hopefully and then put it all together.
I did another set of LazyGirl Pouches and another LazyGirl Runaround Bag...both were cut...sewn and all done in under two hours total! Geeze I love these things.
I also did a Wallet Purse... really nice.... sort of easy to sew...there were one or two parts that really sucked...the seams were extra heavy due to all the card pouches... I may try to redo that part if I make another one.
I finished up 2 UFO Rollups...and thought up another use for them... I plan to make another out of some cool coffee shop fabrics I have.... I'll fill it with coffee bags, and sweetner and creamer and have a cool gift for my coffee drinkin' friends...and probably for me too. I'll stick it in the computer bag when I travel.......
I did some work for some customers of mine this week also....
I have 2 ties, a table runner on the UFO pile....that's all!!!! Yippeeeee!! I have a Lazy Girl Towne Purse started and I have all the squares done for the crib quilt..... those are WIPs lol I hope to get that stuff done this week also.
Thimbleberries club is on there will be new homework from that...and yesterday was Saturday Sampler Day... so there are two new blocks that need to be done.........
The SRP is coming along..... I've made most of the goodies from stuff I already have so the stash has dwindled a bit....not much...but a bit.... it's gonna take a lot of projects to dwindle this stash! lol
I have some bolts of fabric that I think will be sold on ebay......or at a garage sale.... it's stuff I'm sure I won't use.... I'll keep a yard and get rid of the rest.... that will help me meet my goal for sure.
The photos for this week are out on in the April 1-8 album.
Guess that's it for now
Til next week
Happy Whatever!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
UFO Update
It's been a busy week, but I managed to clean up quite a few of last weeks UFO"s. The neckerchiefs for Oliver and Dexter are done and delivered...and Oliver just loves his! The green butterfly baby was cloth is off the needles as is the pink goldfish in it's bowl! All my needles are empty! Oh my! I'll have to start something new! lol
Also finished up is the Turning Twenty Quilt top...the Thimbleberries towels for the April meeting, a set of 3 LazyGirl Pouches, the saturday sampler block and the saturday sampler challenge block! I also had time to make a LazyGirl Runaround Bag and matching LazyGirl wonder wallet... you can see this weeks photos at listed as album 1.... I forgot to name it after I posted it
Hopefully I can get another one or two UFO's out of the way this week. I'll be gone to Chicago next weekend so I'll try to update thursday before I leave or late sunday nite when I get home.
Don't forget to visit my links....Okiedokieduckie and WingedHorseDesigns are waiting for you to stop by!
Til next week....
Sunday, March 18, 2007
It's a UFO Sunday
Hope you enjoy the photos....... and hopefully you'll see them ALL done by the end of March... uh huh...that's the plan.......the end of March.....
Saturday, March 10, 2007 of goodies!
Booties!!! The ones in the back on the left are made with baby yarn...the ones in the front are made with dishcloth cotton...the pattern is super simple and it's a freebie from somewhere on the net.... the sneaks are an annie attic pattern from eons ago. They won't go to the shower....after the little one is born, I'll make him/her their first pair of jeans and a t shirt and put the hitops with those.
This is a baby wash cloth...the color is actually a peach color and the design in the center is a hobby horse.....
It's a booboo bunny!!! It's made from a purple washcloth
Here are two of the long burp rags...... these are made from regular diapers they are twice the length that you see here...the backs are plain so the little one won't rub against the embroidery while they are being burped
These burps are made from prefolded diapers...they are a little shorter than the other burps and the back half of these is also plain
Eyeore and Piglet bibs
This is one of the small ones open....... I gotta learn to fix these pictures before I upload them! The picture below is the large one.
This is a lazy girl whatnot! It's made from 2 10" squares of fabric and tens all of 15 minutes to make! I added a bit of lavendar sachet to this one before I closed the slit..... it looks cute sitting on a shelf and it smells wonderful!
These 4 wonder wallets are ready to go into the gift box...... they are great for a quick gift. I usually stick a starbucks card in it.
This is a lazy girl needle case...... these are very fast to make. The pictures below show the back pocket on the case... I put a small tape measure and a ripper in there...and on the inside I put a fold up scissors, a black bobbin, a white bobbin and some needles and pins... this is going in the gift box too!
Well...that's all for this week. I have several things in the works right now and one or two of them might be done by next weekend. I have a job for a client to do this that will take up some of my spare time...
Have a great week!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
This weeks update early
I got the binding put on the two table toppers from last week......... I need to do the hand stitching...did 3 pair of booties and the quilters necessary ( that's what it's called...honest!) I also worked in Electric Quilt to create a quilt and a signature block for a quilt I need to get done by the end of may... I have the block and layout ready...I have the fabrics for it.... now to find time to get to it! I have two more paperback book covers ready to be soon as my clear elastic comes in....I ordered it from HomeSew in Bethlehem Pa( one of my favoritist places for stuff). I also have two wonderwallets cut out.......
I have baby bibs and baby burps to do also...and those are on my list for this coming week along with another pair or two of booties or sockies.
With any luck...this will be a productive week and I'll have tons of pictures for next weekend.
For now.... I'll get the pictures up of the booties and quilters thing by tuesday evening...maybe sooner depending how the game tomorrow goes.....
The hubster also needs some jeans mended...I won't take pictures of those lol
Til Tuesday...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
February 25th What I've been up to this week
These are Lazy Girl Book Covers. You can't believe how fast these are to make. I made both of these in about an hour. The one on the left is the original size...the one on the right with the monogram is for a larger book. That's for a birthday present I need for tomorrow.
These are the first three blocks of the Saturday Sampler Club. The first saturday of each month we take our finished block to show and pick up the next months block. This sampler started in December and will finish in August. In november we'll have a show and tell of the quilts done with these blocks. These are being done in Retro 30's reproduction fabrics.
These three blocks are the challenge blocks for the Saturday Sampler. Each month we are given a paper with just an outline of the block on it.... we need to figure out how to make the block ourselves.... This is really fun and makes you think.
This months embroidery club is Tuesday. We'll be doing some 3 dimensional embroidery. These are the samples of our club projects this month.... the fence and flowers are done using puffy foam for a raised look.... the sunbonnet girl has a skirt and 3 underskirts that are done on bridal tulle and organza and hang loose... the ribbons are done flat in the hoop and then using a thin wire or thread are made into ribbons for packages or hair bows or whatevers....
This is my favorite table topper pattern.......... the top two are just the tops...they have to be batted and quilted... the bottom one is finished. The middle one is made from Thimbleberries fabrics so I'll be able to use it for show and tell in April.... I'll also be able to use the small book cover for show and tell cuz that's made from thimbleberries stuff also..... The bottom one is made from kitchen prints... it's kinda hard to tell the patterns....
I took the thimbleberries heart pattern and used some scraps that were laying around and made a set of placemats. Placemats and another favorite of mine.... they are second to table toppers and table runners.
At some point I need to figure out how to rotate these pictures when i load them lol This is a table runner I did using the quilt as you go method... when you are done stitching the top... all you need to do is add the binding.... the quilting part is done..... there will be more of these I'm sure.
I guess that's about it for this week. I have a few WIP's going on and hopefully they will be done by next week. I'm making some baby booties for a baby shower in I'll up load those when they are done... I'm also doing some burps and some crib pads. They'll be posted as I finish them. I'm always knitting dishcloths too! lol I have some to finish....and I'll get those posted also.
Have a wonderful week........
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
This little blog will hopefully show what I've been doing in my ** spare ** time (lol)
There will be some Machine Embroidery....I also teach a monthly embroidery club...there will be some quilting....and some goodies from the monthly Thimbleberries Club. You can watch the Club2007 quilt come to life! There will be some sewing and some knitting too!
I welcome your comments and kind criticisms....